
Woes of a Woman

Okay, don't get me wrong, I love being a woman. Dressing up is fun, eventually having babies, yadda yadda. But sometimes it sucks because you can't quite do all the things that men do. Well, as long as you want to be safe I guess.

I watched a documentary called "Craigslist Joe" last night. It's about this guy who was solely dependent on Craigslist ads to live for 31 days. He started with no money, no food, no extra clothes or anything, just a phone (with a new phone number so he wouldn't contact/be contacted by people he already knew), the clothes on his back, and a laptop (with a new e-mail address too).  He started out in LA and worked his way up to Seattle, over to Chicago, east to New York, down to Florida, Mexico, and ended up back in LA just in time for his 31 days to be over. He relied ONLY on Craigslist posts for everything: food, shelter, rides, activities, etc. This led him to meet so many different kinds of people, see new parts of the world, so many cool things!

Part of me wants to be able to do that. Just drop everything and head out. No responsibilities, no places you need to be unless you want to, just hop on a bus or in someone's car and go... anywhere. And now is the best time for me to do it! No REAL responsibilities, no career, no husband or children, no house payment.

But then there's the part of me that is conscious of the way women are taken advantage of in this world, and here comes Debbie Downer. Wah wah.

I assure you, if I were a man, I'd be out there in a second.

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